3 Good Reasons Why You Need A HHO Dry Cell For Your Car
If you are like many others and looking for a solution for the ever increasing price of gasoline, now and in the future. You may have heard of a device called a HHO generator or Hydrogen on demand device that converts water into gas. Many will hear of this and blow it off as a hoax. I am here to tell you it is not a hoax or scam and if you install the right Hydrogen on demand system on your vehicle and do it correctly you will absolutely see reduction in the amount of fuel you vehicle uses, along with less emissions from your gas or diesel burning car or truck.
"Hydrogen on Demand" system is the term that you will hear to describe these devices. This was adopted to separate these systems from other hydrogen fuel additive system that add Hydrogen that is stored in a tank and added to your fuel mix. The fuel produced by these HHO generators is 2 parts Hydrogen and 1 part Oxygen so I supposed these system should have adopted the name "HHO on demand".
These hho generators are actually very simple devices that work off of known technology that has been around for hundreds of years. Most people know that if you apply electrical current to water the water is divided into gases which formed together make a liquid, (H2O). Most of us learned the basics to this in science class in Junior high. Water is 2 parts Hydrogen (a gas) and 1 part Oxygen (a gas). Without getting side tracked, I for one find that an amazing gift from God.
Once you get past the thought process of separating water back into gases, which really is very simple electrolysis science you can see clearly how adding this hho gas to another fuel can help burn that fuel more effectively. Most Hydrogen on Demand installers are using what is called a HHO Dry Cell for their systems lately. These have proven to be the most efficient devices on the market to date. HHO Dry Cells can be easily installed on your vehicle and need very little maintenance.
In any event HHO is even more explosive than pure Hydrogen, as Oxygen mixed with any fuel speeds up the burn ratio. That is exactly why hho gas mixed with gasoline or diesel fuel saves people money. It simply enhances the burn of the existing fuel to make something that is inefficient more efficient.
Why Would You Want To Install A HHO Dry Cell Kit ?
1. Guaranteed Return on Investment - Small investment goes a long way - For a relatively small amount of money you pay for a complete hho dry cell kit, depending on how many miles you drive, you get all your initial investment back in a short period of time and everything after that is like stuffing money in you sock.
2. Fuel Efficiency - HHO is able to improve fuel economy. In actual fact HHO, when added to the air/fuel mixture going into the engine, causes the petroleum fuel to burn more rapidly. Scientists say that it considerably increases the flame speed of the petroleum mixture. And it is this fact that sums up the primary way that HHO improves fuel mileage. Scientist have proven HHO gas to be at least 3 times more potent than gasoline, adding hho gas simply improves the combustion of fuel already there.
3. Reduces Air Pollution - With improved efficiency, your vehicle will create less emissions that pollute the air. There is a remarkable simplicity to this technology. If you add HHO to your engine, you will get an increase in combustion efficiency. That is just simple science, you will get a dramatic increase in fuel mileage and a corresponding decrease in fuel emissions. This to me is the single most important positive aspect of these HHO Dry cell - Hydrogen on Demand systems, cleaner air.
About the Author
Larry has been experimenting with Hydrogen on demand systems and HHO dry cells for a long time and has found the best deals on hho parts for hundreds of people. Again Thanks to all you who support hho2u.com hydrogen on demand for your auto or truck - The Original Hho dry cell kits
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