When you receive the Seal you begin to care for the earth and your environment. You want to replenish the earth, not destroy it. So you heed the warnings of scientists who show some climate change is happening.
You may not agree with everything about the consensus on global warning. After all, it is a consensus and not proven. But sadly once climate change is "proven" it is too late. The changes have hurt you and everyone else.
Some climate change is already proven to have happened. Regardless of what is causing it global warming is happening. And if you think humans are not contributing to it, think again.
When was the last time you took a serious look at your community? Think about all those automobiles and factories. And in rural areas all the fertilizing of fields and even great numbers of livestock. They all make an impact.
The United Nations says greenhouse gases were higher in 2006 than ever before in the history of people on earth. And of the handful of culprits, carbon dioxide is quickly becoming the major offender.
The concentrations of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere all over the world are higher than ever, along with higher concentrations of nitrous oxide, according to the World Meteorological Organization.
There are three main greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide and a third, methane which thank God is not showing much of an increased level in the atmosphere.
The WMO says that carbon dioxide previously contributed to 87 percent of the warming the earth has recently experienced. But in the last 5 years its contribution jumped to 91 percent, making it the single-handed villain of global warming.
The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rose a half-percent in 2006. That is quite a big jump for just one year. Nitrous oxide levels also rose but not as much as the CO2 levels.
Carbon dioxide emissions from people heat warm up the surface of the earth and evaporate more water. That makes the air moister so it sustains a higher temperature. And higher temperatures will certainly change things.
They will interrupt the delicate balance God created on earth. And burning of fossil fuels is one of the biggest causes of these CO2 emissions causing this imbalance. A big cause and one that can be changed.
Scientists may not be right about everything about global warming. But the impact of the activity of people is simply measurable, even though the results of that impact are debatable.
And scientists and inventors will prove to be the heroes when they develop alternative fuels like hydrogen cells for our cars. Driving a hydrogen fuel-cell car is one way you can cut your own emissions of carbon dioxide.
When you are sealed you have a brotherhood with the earth. And you look for Jesus returning within you. That time is now. This is the "summer" season Jesus told you to watch for. It is knocking at your door.
That means Jesus is ready to return. And you need to look for Him to return within you instead of looking for the end of the world to happen. The world does not have to end but it should change. And you can change by receiving the Seal.
About the Author
And now Jason would like to invite you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian? and visit to learn about being sealed here Jason Witt
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