Friday, December 14, 2007

What's mean Types of fuel cells-SOFC system? by mary lv

What's mean Types of fuel cells-SOFC system? What's mean Types of batttery fuel cells-SOFC system?The SOFC is best suited for

stationary applications. The system requires high operating temperatures

(about 1000°C). Newer systems are being developed which can run at about 700

°C. A significant advantage of the SOFC is its leniency on fuel. Due to the high

operating temperature, hydrogen is produced through a catalytic reforming

process. This eliminates the need for an external reformer to generate

hydrogen. Carbon monoxide, a contaminant in the PEMFC system, is a fuel for

the SOFC. In addition, the SOFC system offers a fuel efficiency of 60

percent, one of the highest among fuel cells. The 60 percent efficiency is

achieved with co-generation, meaning that the heat is utilized. Higher stack temperatures add to the manufacturing cost because they require

specialized and exotic materials. Heat also presents a challenge for

longevity and reliability because of increased material oxidation and stress.

High temperatures, however, can be utilized for co-generation by running

steam generators. This improves the overall efficiency of this fuel

href="">cell system. more

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